I'm not sure we ever really recovered from that drive, but we managed to get some things in. Marshall spent some time with his oldest brother Mark on Monday up in Salt Lake while the kids and I hung out with my mom and ate lunch at Cafe Rio. We watched some of the video Heidi took on our Disneyland trip last year.
It was fun to relive it. That was a great trip. Tuesday we went to New Moon with Michael, Heidi and Tyler. Loved it! It was better than the first, and I know I keep saying it over and over, but Bella is much less pathetic in the movies than in the books. Heidi had some tickets to the BYU basketball game that night against Southern University. While Samantha dogged us and went to Young Women's with BFF Hanna, we attended the game with David and Tyler. 107-51. There's really not a lot you can say about that. It's got to be embarrasing to play so poorly and get beaten so bad. BYU was sinking 3 pointers left and right. Very cool. What else? Wednesday Samantha spent as much time with Hanna as she could and we got to visit with her mom Tamra. They were the only friends we saw when we were there. Our friendship goes back to our single ward days before we were all married, or even dating our spouses. Good friends. That evening we met up with 2 of Marshall's brothers and 1 sister for dinner at Spaghetti Factory. We got to see his new nephew Austen, who is so adorable that I actually held him, and got to meet his nephew Brett's fiancee, who is also adorable but I didn't ask to hold her! His neice Nicole brought her boyfriend and his sister Mary's boyfriend brought his family visiting from Phoenix, so it was quite a gathering.
Thanksgiving day was all about the food.
My mother had ordered dinner from Sunflower Market before she knew we were coming and they seriously had the best turkey I have ever eaten. Also their stuffing was reminiscent of my grandmother's homemade stuffing we all remember so fondly. Heidi put a lot of effort into making a Barefoot Contesssa chocolate cheesecake,
and she set it on the stove to cool. Well, Kristina, who I have begged over the years to stay out of the kitchen, turned on the burner to make her cranberry sauce and after the scorching smell permeated the kitchen, realized she had turned on the wrong burner and burnt Heidi's cheesecake. If you didn't eat the crust or the bottom half, it tasted really good. After eating we had to say our goodbyes and pile back in the car so we could make it to Vernal in time for Thanksgiving dinner at Michelle's. More food and more family. Marshall's mom and stepdad were there, and his nephew Mitch who was married a little over a year ago and has a cute baby, Kinsley.
His stepson Anthony was so excited to play with Scott.
And you'd be surprised how much food we can pack away, because I had no trouble eating that 2nd dinner, just trouble fitting into my jeans when it was over.
They had some great pies there. Oh man. And the "pistachio", so good. And devilled eggs, and more stuffing and really good gravy for the potatoes and veggies and dip. We had to get back to Houston, so our stay in Vernal was short. The next morning we went to a boutique with grandma Shirley so she could get Samantha some scrapbooking materials, and we walked through the "Trees for Charity" and then headed home, doing another all nighter. And we are still recovering from that, but we have so much to be thankful for. We really miss all our family and it was so good to see everyone again. Hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon. Though maybe flying instead of driving.