Friday, September 30, 2011

Bronco 3K

Scott and Amy ran a fun run at their school this morning. They did great and had a lot of fun. It was to raise money for their school. I love seeing them run.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Day of School 2011

We were running late and never got a pic. of Samantha, but Marshall managed a quick one of Scott and Amy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vernal 5K

We spent Saturday in Vernal to do a 5K with Michelle. She has worked so hard and this was her very first 5K so we wanted to be there to support her and do it with her. She was really afraid that she was going to come in last and that she wouldn't make her goal time of 59 minutes.

We took a few pics. before the start.

This one was taken about a minute into the start of the race. I'm next to Amy but you can't see me.
Since Samantha was going to try to race it, I gave her my watch so she could get her time. She finished in 24.02
Scott took off really fast as well while Marshall, Amy and I stayed with Michelle. We caught up to Scott at the 2 mile mark. He had gone too fast and was cramping and tired. Someone mentioned to Amy (it may have been me) that there was ice cream at the finish, so she asked if she could run on her own. Amy, who hates running more than anything and has always sworn she would never do a 5K, ran the last half mile. Samantha was already finished so she ran it in with Amy. Isn't this the cutest picture? I think I need to frame this one.
Scott was just too tired so he and I slowed down a little and let Marshall and Michelle go on ahead.

We sprinted in to the finish as hard as we could. The race announcer was really impressed and asked Scott a few questions. What is your name? Scott. How do you feel? tired. How old are you? 8. Then he said, "this seems to be a one word answer interview, so we'll go for two this time. What do you say to your sisters for helping you run in?" Thanks. He just kind of laughed. Scott didn't have enough breath to say anything more.
As for Michelle, not only did she not come in last, or anywhere near last, but she finished in 46 minutes. It was so fun. I love doing races. It made me want to get back in shape and do some more.
And there was ice cream at the finish!!