Wednesday, January 8, 2014


 was honored when one of the young men from church gave him a mentor pin as he received his Eagle Scout award.

Preference Dress Shopping

We found the best place to rent dresses in Sandy called One Stop Dress Shop. The owner runs it out of her home and has the best dresses. Here are all the options. Of course sleeves would need to be added.

 And this was the winner. I don't have her formal pictures, I just snapped this one as she was running out the door. She looked amazing (thanks Megan for doing her hair). She had a great time.

Kearns Holiday Open

Even though he only swam 5 of the 8 events, Scott still managed to swim well enough to get 8th place overall. He was pretty excited.

Scott and Amy

Samantha and Amy love to do photo shoots, where Samantha takes the pics and Amy models. This time they got Scott in on it.

Christmas 2013

Amy and Marshall spent some time in the snow making snowmen. Scott's snow fort is in the back, Marshall's snowman was a little big and ended up looking like a bear rather than Mickey Mouse. Amy's is the cute little one behind her.

 Christmas morning came early. Scott set his alarm for 4 am so he could open his stocking. I heard Amy get up around 4:30 and Samantha around 5. Marshall and I got up at 5:30 and the opening of gifts began.
 Scott wanted some cowboys and Indians, which we couldn't find anywhere. Amy found this log cabin set that had some of the figures in it.
 Carefully unwrapping a new shoe rack. Her closet looks much better.

 The perfect jeans. She was pretty excited to get them. We had to order them online to get them long enough and were lucky to get them before Christmas.

 Nothing beats getting new shoes

 Cooking utensils from Scott

 Amy got Samantha a new dress from Ann Taylor Loft
 Lots of Legos. I think he got 6 different sets
 A new deep fryer to replace the one I broke. I missed not having one
 Scott got a new suit. Not his favorite gift but one he really needed