Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kids say the darndest things

and I thought I should record this one for posterity. I made this Mac n Cheese last night for dinner. Scott, who is not only extremely picky, but he sometimes gags on his food if the texture is wrong or if he takes too big a bite. He didn't really care for the mac n cheese and about half way through he started gagging on it and had to spit it out. Then he explained to me what "real" macaroni and cheese is supposed to be like.

"the cheese is melty and it is all around the noodles, and that is why it's all slobbery."

I should pass that along to Kraft for their commercials. "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese-It's the slobberiest!"


Carrie said...

Well, that just makes the Kraft version seem all-the-more repulsive! Gag!!!!

Heidi said...

That kid is so funny! Thanks for sharing. Definately a keeper.

tamra said...

laugh out loud funny!

Wendy said...

What a character!

It is amazing to me when ever we go out to eat my kids want the mac and cheese on the menu and it's usually kraft. 60 cents a box or whatever, but they charge you $3.99 or a bowl. But it's what they want.