Saturday, August 8, 2009


was my time in the 5K today. A minute and a half improvement over 2 weeks ago. 3 minutes off my fastest, so I still have a ways to go.

After the race we went back to Surfside beach. This time we rented a surf board and body boards. I must admit that my favorite thing to do is jump in the waves. So much fun!!


Anonymous said...

Nice! Congratulations, I'm so impressed with you and love that you guys are always chilling at the beach riding waves!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sam- thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment! To answer your question, if you add music to your blog at (if you're not familiar with the site I'll gladly answer more questions if you have them) the last step to adding it is getting the code. On that final page it gives you the option to add a background image and then you just browse your computer to find the picture you want to use. Let me know if you have more questions girly girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Sam- And I think you also were asking about my blog background... I got it here: