Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tonight we made

creme brulee with the set Amy gave me for Christmas.
Unfortunately I wasn't aware that I needed butane for the torch, so we had to caramelize the sugar under the broiler. It still turned out super yummy. We'll have to try again when I get some butane. I got the recipe from Barefoot in Paris. I posted the recipe on my recipe blog.

In other news, Marshall and the kids are still hooked on Super Mario Bros. It's pretty intense.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

One of these days I'm going to have to give making creme brulee a try. It's so delicious and I think I've only had it once.

We love Super Mario Bros, too. When we got it last summer I think some weeks we played (mostly Troy and Christian but the girls and I joined in sometimes) almost every evening until all the levels were beat.

If Marshall and the kids don't already know, if you get the really big star coins from each level, then a secret new world opens up after you beat the regular ones. And there are websites (I can't think of the names right now) that tell you were the star coins are since they aren't always easy to find.