Thursday, May 7, 2009

Know what this is?

No? It's a ravioli press. That's right. My neighbor and friend Barbara Miller (Yes, she has the same name as my sister) found it at a yard sale and picked it up for me. I am so excited! I can't wait to make ravioli with it. Why would someone get rid of something this great!

I was also going to take a picture of the carrot cake cupcakes Samantha made the other day. click here for the recipe. They were from scratch and very good. When I went to get them out of the refrigerator downstairs, they were gone. The container was still there, but totally empty. Then as I was loading the pics from my camera I saw these little gems.

I had forgotten about them. In fact, I can't remember what they are called, but it is essentially a short bread crust with apple pie filling. Samantha was bored one day and wanted to make something. She found the recipe in a children's cookbook my mom gave her years ago and substituted the pie filling we had in our freezer, another gift from Barbara Miller, for the jam. They were pretty good. And I wonder why I've been gaining weight. I never should have taught the girl to cook. Oh, she took the picture too.


Leslie said...

Make ravioli once with it and you will find out why someone let it go at a yard sale. You will have all the satisfaction of making the ravioli yourself, they will taste better than any ravioli you have ever eaten before (hopefully), but at the end of the day you will find that the simplicity of opening the can of Chef Boy R Dee is worth all three seconds it takes! As you can tell, we made ravioli once.

Samantha said...

We should made home made ravioli next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!